DTWay is a personal story in the field of Energy Efficiency and Business Innovation.

The company DTWay arose from two factors, the founder Diogo Drumond wanted to distance himself from the industry where he had worked for 12 years, and the current technological developments created a business opportunity in the scope of energy efficiency through building digitalization.

The company is integrated in the facilities of Startup Madeira, since March 2019 and has a new collaborator with the support of the measure “Estágio Garantia do Programa PROJOVEM” of the Madeira Employment Institute, under the Council Recommendation of 22 April 2013 to Member-States, to combat NEET (Neither in Employment, Education or Training) unemployment.

DTWay will continue its commitment with energy efficiency solutions focusing on building digitalization and qualifying collaborators that are willing to learn and innovate, giving NEETs new opportunities.


The managing partner worked 12 years in his professional area, civil engineering, and resigned because he was unhappy with the technical functions that he was carrying out.

He started to work on the DTWay business idea in the installations of Startup Madeira, since December 2018.

He created his business in March 2019 and hired a collaborator in August 2019.

DTWay is committed to promote energy efficiency solutions by investing in building digitalization, reducing energy consumption and optimizing building operation with high standards of comfort. It’s just as important to reduce the kWh consumed as to guarantee that the energy consumed is reflected in user comfort of buildings.

Technical background, visionary approach, risk-taking, entrepreneurship, self-motivation and hard work are fundamental skills for DTWay´s commercial success.

DTWay seeks to generate value from building digitalization, knowing that in the near future, various products, technologies and services will appear based on this model. However, while these utilizations do not achieve commercial maturity, digitalization is used by DTWay to provide a continuous energy management service (EMaaS – Energy Management as a Service), integrating all information sources of buildings with the aim to reduce and optimize the building’s energy consumption, with DTWay focused in areas where digitalization will generate faster value to building owners.

Another difficulty was finding young collaborators in the area of computer engineering in the regional market, proving that this area has a high potential to create job positions for young professionals.

This story can serve as an inspiration to professionals to create their own business when not satisfied with their current employment.

With the emergence of new areas such as IoT (Internet of Things) and the growing digitalization of all that surrounds us, we will certainly see various innovative business opportunities in several areas with long-term benefits for youth unemployment.

Diogo Drumond underlines that young professionals have more adaptation capacity to work in emergent technologies and new business models. Given the innovative nature of the service provided, fewer barriers exist for the entry of an inexperienced professional, being sufficient the will to learn and the commitment to ensure a good service, which are requirements to prevent young professionals from becoming NEETs.  

The company is an example of a company based in a remote island that provides globalized services supported by local professionals, creating new job opportunities for young regional talent.

Find out more on: http://www.dtway.com/